full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Matt Walker: What's the connection between sleep and Alzheimer's disease?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, some of this discussion may sound perhaps a little depressing. We know that as we get older in life, our sleep seems to typically dicnele, and our risk for Alzheimer's generally increases. But I think there's actually a silver lining here, because unlike many of the other factors that are associated with aging and Alzheimer's disease, for example, changes in the pcyhsial structure of the brain, those are fiendishly dciilfuft to treat and medicine doesn't have any good wholesale acarepophs right now. But that sleep is a missing piece in the explanatory plzzue of aging and Alzheimer's disease is exciting because we may be able to do something about it.

Open Cloze

Now, some of this discussion may sound perhaps a little depressing. We know that as we get older in life, our sleep seems to typically _______, and our risk for Alzheimer's generally increases. But I think there's actually a silver lining here, because unlike many of the other factors that are associated with aging and Alzheimer's disease, for example, changes in the ________ structure of the brain, those are fiendishly _________ to treat and medicine doesn't have any good wholesale __________ right now. But that sleep is a missing piece in the explanatory ______ of aging and Alzheimer's disease is exciting because we may be able to do something about it.


  1. puzzle
  2. approaches
  3. difficult
  4. physical
  5. decline

Original Text

Now, some of this discussion may sound perhaps a little depressing. We know that as we get older in life, our sleep seems to typically decline, and our risk for Alzheimer's generally increases. But I think there's actually a silver lining here, because unlike many of the other factors that are associated with aging and Alzheimer's disease, for example, changes in the physical structure of the brain, those are fiendishly difficult to treat and medicine doesn't have any good wholesale approaches right now. But that sleep is a missing piece in the explanatory puzzle of aging and Alzheimer's disease is exciting because we may be able to do something about it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
cleansing system 5
significantly higher 2
higher risk 2
causal evidence 2
deep sleep 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
significantly higher risk 2

Important Words

  1. aging
  2. approaches
  3. brain
  4. decline
  5. depressing
  6. difficult
  7. discussion
  8. disease
  9. exciting
  10. explanatory
  11. factors
  12. fiendishly
  13. generally
  14. good
  15. increases
  16. life
  17. lining
  18. medicine
  19. missing
  20. older
  21. physical
  22. piece
  23. puzzle
  24. risk
  25. silver
  26. sleep
  27. sound
  28. structure
  29. treat
  30. typically
  31. wholesale